System intro
About CIRS FreeDocs
CIRS FreeDocs is a platform that shares product safety management rule resources. All documents and information on this platform are provided to you to the best of our knowledge and they are for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site. Please be notified that all the information that published on the platform is composed according to the rules and regulations at that moment. After publishing, the information on the platform is not modified according to the new revised rules and regulations.
How do you get file?
Log on to FreeDocs.
Input keywords and search documents
Find the file that you need and click “Download”.
Each file costs your points, please get enough points before download.
How to get points?
Please login to your account and enter “My center”. Click “Get” button to get 1-3 points every day.
Charge for points.
Note: If it is your first time to use FreeDoc, you are required to register and active your account first.