What to expect of the latest update of Taiwan OSHA and TCSCA
- Author
- Kimmy Wu (Jointek Technology Corp)
- File Date
- 2016-10-18
- Language
- English
- Brief
- The framework of Taiwan chemical management
- Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act (TCSCA)
- Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- The system of chemical substance registration under TCSCA and OSHA
- General scopes and the Status Quo
- Qualification for registrant
- The single registration window
- Updated and Harmonized TCSI in Sep of 2015!!
- Phase 1 and Phase 2 registrations
- Registration Process Flow Chart for New Chemicals
- Determination of NCSR Type
- Information Required for Registration
- Hazard and exposure assessment guideline
- Registration information dissemination
- CBI Applications under TCSCA Registration Regulation
- Chemical Commodity Importation Pre-Confirmation (CCIP)
- GHS Management under OSHA
- FAQs
- Point required
- 1
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